Sunday, February 6, 2011

Emerson's 3 month photos : Nashville Baby Photographer

Mr. Emerson was such a perfect little baby model today.  This guy WORKED his modeling moves for me and made our shoot super super easy.  Three months is always a really hard shoot, because kiddos are not quite old enough to do much (sit up, push up, etc) and it just makes it hard to get a lot of variety... But Emerson just let us do basically whatever we wanted to with him and he showed off that perfect little face of his!  Is he not the cutest?  Jennifer, Brad and Emerson, it was great seeing you all today!  Hope you LOVE your previews!


Unknown said...

Cutest little dude I've ever seen!!!!
Great work Krista!!

Jon Kennard said...

Great pictures -- great kid!!!

Lauren said...

What amazing photos of a sweet little 3 month old boy! He's adorable, and the photos are so beautiful.

Roger said...

What? No Comments? This baby is Brad's & Jenniefer's beautiful boy.

STRONG family resemblence.

Roger said...

What? No Other comments?
What beatiful photography.

Anonymous said...

Krista! You always amaze us! We just love these photos!
Thank you sooo much!!!

Anonymous said...

Darling little boy w/so much personality! Great phoos Krista! Your other subjects/shoots are wonderful...

Unknown said...

Those are great!! So handsome. Great shots Krista!

Jon said...

Emerson is stunning. Photos are stunning. Can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

I just want to squeeze him and cover him in kisses!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brad and Jennifer, Emerson is such an adorable baby! How sweet is he? You're right, Krista Lee did a wonderful job. You'll treasure these pictures forever! Katie

Lisa said...

Darling photos. He's so cute. I love him.

Michelle said...

OMGosh what a gorgeous boy he is... but hey knowing the parents, how could he not be! Amazing!

Jeff said...

Wow little man! you are growing like a weed! So handsome

Anonymous said...

Emerson looks just like his daddy. Adorable baby and gorgeous photography. Let me babysit him soon.

Megan Linville said...

Oh my goodness!! So precious :) :)

Rachel Proctor said...

He is absolutely perfect!!!!

Lesley said...

Great pix! Adorable baby boy!

wendy fielder said...

These are beautiful shots of Emerson! Love 'em!

Shelly Colvin said...

These are stunning!! What a gorgoeus, perfect little man!! I'm lucky to know him!

Shelly Colvin said...

Krista, what an eye you have to see & capture! Phenomenal.

Rachel Thibodeau said...

Oh my word he is SO cute!!!!! LOVE these pics!!!!

Anonymous said...

What an absolute doll! Jenn and Brad must be extremely proud parents! I hope his new friend Lauren Kilgore gets to see him soon!

Anonymous said...

Amazing pics!! Precious, precious boy. Can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

These are the cutes baby pictures. He is absolutely precious!

Marcia Ramirez said...

I see a career in modeling for Emerson!! Beautiful boy, beautiful photos!!

Unknown said...

1st shot - can you say "GERBER BABY" :)He's so cute & bright just like his mom & dad eh ! Where did the 3 months go to ? I am sure you could tell us!
Before you know it he'll be goin' off to his 1st day of school ! Until then,ENJOY this little guy & looks like you're off to a Great Start with these Photos. Krista sure did capture his charm !

Unknown said...

1st shot - can you say "GERBER BABY" :)He's so cute & bright just like his mom & dad eh ! Where did the 3 months go to ? I am sure you could tell us!
Before you know it he'll be goin' off to his 1st day of school ! Until then,ENJOY this little guy & looks like you're off to a Great Start with these Photos. Krista sure did capture his charm !

Unknown said...

1st shot - can you say "GERBER BABY" :)He's so cute & bright just like his mom & dad eh ! Where did the 3 months go to ? I am sure you could tell us!
Before you know it he'll be goin' off to his 1st day of school ! Until then,ENJOY this little guy & looks like you're off to a Great Start with these Photos. Krista sure did capture his charm !

David said...

Oh my Emerson... You oughta be in pictures. Fab fotos.

Gina said...

Great pictures of an absolutely adorable little guy!

Unknown said...

What a handsome young man!! Love these pictures!!

Unknown said...


KatieV said...

Love the pictures! He's so precious.

Steven said...

These pictures are wonderful. He is hamming it up like his daddy!!