Saturday, August 14, 2010

Isabella's 1 Year Photos

Isabella came in last week to the studio for her 1 year photos!  Mom and dad brought all KINDS of cute outfits (love that tutu and bloomers!!!) but Isabella wasn't really in the mood for photos haha... Even though she was a little unsure about everything we managed to get quite a few smiles out of her and overall had a great shoot!  Laura and Gabriel, thanks for bringing little Isabella in!  I hope you love your previews and hope to see you all again soon :)  ~Krista

Isabella eating her 1 year birthday cake...


Unknown said...

Grandma loves these pictures. Can't wait to see more. Great job Krista. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Thanks, Krista.

brian said...

she is gorgeous

Unknown said...

Oh my God! the most gorgeous baby ever!!! Julie

Unknown said...

The most beautiful baby and family ever!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures!! Everyone looks great...esp Isa!! I can't wait to see the rest of them!!

Regina said...

Really cute pictures. Isa is adorable!

Unknown said...

krista's beautiful photos only confirm Isabella Maria is "THE" most beautiful and special baby ...ever!!!

Sharon said...

Amazing pictures!!

Sharon said...

Amazing pictures!!

Luis Rauld said...

Absolutely wonderful pictures, I love them! Luis

Anonymous said...

Regina Carbone from Panama says,
Krista you are a super talented
photographer, wish we had you here!
Isabellas pictures are superbs, speccially the one she is waiving and is with her parents, its just
adorable, keep it up, I also saw
the others I enjoy it very much

Lynne Arosemena said...

Isabella Marie is a natural in front of the cameras. I love the pictures! What a great looking family. Great job Krista. Tia Lynne

Unknown said...

amazing pics! gorgeous family! congrats again laura!

Unknown said...

Isa! Love you sweety, you look beautiful! Love, Uncle Stevooo

Karen said...

What a beautiful family!!

Cat said...

Gorgeous family and what a princess! Awesome job on the photography. Quite an artist.

Allison said...

What a beautiful set of photos! Isa looks so cute eating her birthday cake!

Madelyn said...

I love that tutu, maybe Aunt Laura can get me one too! Happy Birthday Isa! I miss you!!

Bill Rauld said...

She is really a beautiful baby. I see modeling in her future!!!

Anonymous said...

Isabella is looking like a Southern belle already. The whole family is beautifully photographed. Love, Diana

Kathy said...

Love them, she is so beautiful. Great family pictures!

Anonymous said...

Love these photos....Isabella is sooo beautiful and too cute for words!
Love and Aloha from NJ!