Friday, September 17, 2010

Annie's Previews : Can she possibly get any cuter?

Seriously.  I think these may be some of the cutest photos I have ever gotten in a one hour session.  If little Annie gets ANY cuter, the world might implode, I mean... Is she not the cutest baby ever!????

Annie is OBSESSED with her pacifiers... HAHAHAHA
And check out the look in this next one... "Oh no you didn't take one of my pacifiers!"


Krista said...

Thank you so much, we LOVE these! AAAHHH!

Meagan said...

I love the photos with the pacifiers and the one on the scale. Very cute!

Meagan said...

I love the photos with the pacifiers and the one on the scale. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Annie is the cutest! I love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Those are fabulous photos! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

love the leggings!

Anonymous said...

you did a great job getting annie's beautiful eyes!

Anonymous said...

OMG...she is so darn precious!!! She's looking more like you Krista! Don't get me wrong - she still has her daddy in her too! Beautiful photos!!!

Annie's Dad said...

You did such a fantastic job capturing what makes our little girl, our little girl! Thank you!

Grandma said...

Great job of photography...but how can you miss with such an adorable subject!!

Anonymous said...

The photography is great...but how can you miss with such an adorable subject!
Annie's Grandma

Robert said...

Beautiful photos - I'm sure you all had such fun. So looking forward to seeing Annie for the first time soon. Annie's Great Uncle.

Robert said...

Beautiful photos. I'm sure you all had such fun. Can't wait to see Annie soon. Great Uncle

Robert said...

Beautiful photos. I'm sure you had so much fun. Looking forward to seeing Annie. Great Uncle

Anonymous said...

Look at Annie! What a cutie pie
Great photos of a perfect subject.

Grumps said...

Very cute but not sure about the frilly knickers!
Love from Grumps

Anonymous said...

Krista & Krista - great baby, wonderful photos!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Love the rufflebutts ;)

Autumn said...

So stinkin cute! Love all the rufflebutts. Just gorgeous photos.

beth cooper said...

Its offical, I have the cutest niece. From a very proud Aunty Beth xx

Beth said...

Its official, I have the cutest Niece. From a proud Aunty Beth. xx

Anonymous said...

I don't think she could be any cuter! What personality - adorable! You've captured her perfectly!

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, no, she couldn't be any cuter. You got some great shots of an adorable little girl.