
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eli's 1 year photos! Baby Session / Nashville Photographer

I cannot BELIEVE little Eli is already a YEAR old!  Seems like just yesterday we were doing his newborn shots (sigh)... In the past year he sure has developed quite a little personality... He was cracking us up the entire shoot, he basically would figure out exactly what it was that we didn't want him to do.. Then he would do it... and laugh hysterically!  LOL!  How much do you love that little corduroy hat and those little faded jeans?  And if you call in be sure to tell Rachel (his mom and our awesome employee who answers all of your calls!) how cute he is!   :)  ~Krista


  1. Ok HYSTERICAL!! The last 2 have to be my faves!!! hahaha he is too funny and of course they are AWESOME as always!! ;)
