Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rory's newborn photos : Nashville Photographer

Hey all... I am off to shoot another wedding so sorry this post is so short, I just couldn't WAIT to post these!  Meet Ms. Rory, is she not the cutest??!  Matt and Ellyn, it was SO nice meeting you!  Have a safe trip back to New Mexico and I hope you love your previews!  ~Krista


Anonymous said...

Granddaughter Rory is too sweet for words. Love her, love her, love her!!!!
Grampa and Gramma

Anonymous said...

Darling, darling! Love the baby and parents, too!
Love, Grandma Martha

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!! These are great! Rory is absolutely the cutest, but what do you get when you have great parents! Great pictures Krista! ~Jen T.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby girl! These photos are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Layne has the cutest cousin in the whole world! We love you Rory...Love, Auntie Lynda

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!! Great job :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely GREAT pictues of Rory !! Of course I may be a little prejudice...since I am Grandpa. Hope we can get a copy of some of the wonderful pics.
Love, Grandpa Brennan

Gail Holt said...

Beautiful pictures! Rory is such a sweet baby girl and you did an awesome job Krista. Mama Holt

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable! These pictures are amazing ...

Anonymous said...

My goodness these are so cute! I just love the first picture, it's so adorable. Mommy and daddy are beautiful too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Rory is so gorgeous...course that's what you get with two beautiful parents!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Rory is gorgeous...course that's what you get with two beautiful parents!

Anonymous said...

Rory is the cutest baby ever and I like to hold her. My favorite is the first one where she is holding up her head. Love, Cousin Layne

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby, beautiful pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Love them all. Too hard to choose.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet our new Great Granddaughter! The pictures are perfect until that time comes. Great job Krista! Love, Great Grandma and Grandpa Hagans

Anonymous said...

Krista-Thank you so much for making us feel so comfortable and being so understanding! You really captured our precious little girl and we couldn't be happier. We may have to come back and visit you again! *Matt & Ellyn*

Rebekah Pope said...

AWE!! These are so sweet. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the first one!

Anonymous said...

The first shot is just amazingly beautiful. She's a lovely baby and is sure to be breaking hearts by pre-school!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see her in person! The pictures are adorable. love, Great Grandma Colyer