
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Big News......

Some big, big decisions have happened in the last week and I am so excited to share the news with you all.  As many of you know, we were blessed with a 6 pound 14 ounce bundle of cuteness this January.  We just adore him, and I knew I wanted to be the best mom I could be to Colin.  But I was worried... I wasn't sure how I was going to balance everything. The business is a HUGE responsibility and honestly, I wasn't sure how well being a mom AND trying to run a full time business was going to mesh.  I have a bad habit of taking on too much at once, and I didn't want Colin to get the short end of the stick.  So I took some time off for maternity leave to do a little soul searching... and to try to decide how to move forward.

Clint and I have no family in Tennessee now, and it has been a hard transition {especially now with the baby} being away from everyone.  We miss everyone so, so much and I really want Colin to know his grandparents, aunts, and uncles more than just an occasional yearly visit.  This has been very tough and I know it will only get tougher to be away as he grows.  Our family being so far also has brought another problem to the surface... Clint and I both work an hour away so if anything happened with Colin, neither one of us are close, nor do we have family we can call.  So, we had come to a fork in the road... and we've honestly not been sure which direction we should go.  We have prayed. Pondered. Brainstormed.  Explored.  And exhausted every option we could possibly think of over the past 7 months. We've looked at moving.  We've looked at staying.  We've looked at me giving up the business.  We've looked at pretty much everything.

But, all of our options at this point seem to point to one thing.  So we are taking a leap of faith, and hoping and praying it will be the right choice for now.

That being said...We are so excited to announce, first of all, we are staying in Tennessee.  (Yay!!!)  Secondly, we are moving the studio to the historic downtown square in Murfreesboro... so that I can be closer to Colin.  We have signed a lease and have the CUTEST space right in the heart of the downtown community.  I am just giddy with excitement over the fact that EVERYTHING with the studio will now be exactly how I want it.  Tons of props, tons of fun backgrounds, great outdoor locations literally within 2 minutes of our studio, and most importantly, I am now within minutes of my baby boy. With this decision, I also hope that we will be able to take more time off to go and spend time with our families, so that Colin can know them well.  So in advance, I may be MIA for a couple of weeks at a time ;-)

I know that many of our customers are in Nashville and that has been my biggest hesitation in all of this.  For some of you "suburbanites", this may actually be closer. But for some it will be farther.  I just love ALL of you and I hate to lose ANYONE.  Many of you have gotten to be great friends and I almost feel like I am a part of your families!  I just adore you, your babies, your families... and love seeing your shining faces every few months :) But, ultimately I have to do what's right for baby Colin... and in this situation he has to trump my business priorities. 

The drive is 37 minutes from the old studio to the new (well, I *may or may not* go 4 or 5 miles over the speed limit, don't tell my husband ;-) ).  I know that is far for some, but I sincerely hope you'll make the drive and come see us.  The new place is full of fun props, new furniture, backgrounds, and outdoor locations.. and has great big windows with plenty of natural light.  It also is right next to some great boutique stores (ummm... Sugaree's Dress Boutique (yes please!)... Goodness Gracious Cafe (AMAZING girly-southern food)... and Pa Bunk's (organic cafe and market))...and tons of others!

This decision is a big one, but we truly believe it is the right one for now.  We are going to continue to strive to give you the best photos, all of the time.  We sincerely appreciate each and every one of you and value your friendship!

We hope to see you all soon.

Much love,
Krista, Clint, and baby Colin  :)

1 comment:

  1. As these beautiful pictures can attest, the very short drive to your new studio will be absolutely worth it!! All our best for continued success in historic Murfreesboro!!
    Big T & Juju
