Monday, January 19, 2009

And the winner of the free photo shoot is....

Drumroll please.....


Leigh and her beautiful little ones Raine and Zelle have won the New Year's Free Photo Shoot Contest!!! We haven't seen the Jones family in a while and we are SO excited to have them back at the studio!!! Thank you to everyone for your entries. I will be doing another contest in the next week so stay tuned!

Have a great night and stay warm ya'll...



Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling lots better.
Left you some blog love over at my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey Krista Lee - I love how you announced your winner. You are super creative and I love, love, love your photography. Thanks for making Nashville brides happy!

Anonymous said...

& leigh jones is beyond excited!! -- seriously, i've never won anything in my life!! all 39 years....what a great win -- SMOOCH SMOOCH SMOOCH!!!

Anonymous said...

"...i liked it SO MUCH!" - says raine

" was all for ME!" - says zelle

we LOVED our shoot today -- andrea was fantabulous & we can't wait to see the pics!!

love - leigh & chris