Monday, November 29, 2010

Lilly's previews

I cannot BELIEVE how big Lilly has gotten since the last time I saw her.  I actually shot her mom and dad's wedding when she was "this" big (let me see if I can dig up a photo... yep, found one!  See below :))

She has really turned into such a little character, she was cracking me up with all of her faces!  Ashley, I think you may have a future actress on your hands!  It was great seeing you all!  ~Krista

And this was Lilly when I met her... Awww, I feel old now...


Ashley(Lilly's mom) said...

Krista, I just love Lilly's pics. U do such an amazing job!

Ashley(Lilly's mom) said...

Krista. I just love Lilly's pics. U always do such an amazing job!

Anonymous said...

Love these! She is so beautifu! Krista-you are very talented

Amy Williams said...

These are beautiful!

Becca said...

These pics are great!!! what a cutie!

Anonymous said...

very cute :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures - Lilly is a doll!

Anthony Kimberly said...

Very nice!

Vanessa said...

Krista, I absolutely love how you capture all of Lilly's expressions. I would love to use you when I have a baby ~VRB~

Katie Murphy said...

These are simply precious! You truly know how to capture a little ones's personality in still shots!

Lindsey Abney said...

Lilly is so adorable. Great job!

Shirley Williams said...

Lilly looks so gorgeous in her photos! Great job!

Anonymous said...


Dana Mitchell said...

She is so precious.