Monday, November 29, 2010

Olympia and fam : Family photos / Nashville Photographer

Olympia and her hubbie sure have their hands full with THREE super energetic boys.  These 3 absolutely CRACKED me up, they were hilarious and non-stop action for the entire 2 hours that they were at the studio.  We jumped, posed, made faces, ate candy, and hey, even had a dance party while they were here LOL... Needless to say we got some a-mazing photos, and it didn't hurt that the entire family is beautiful!  It was great to see/meet you all, hope you love your previews!  ~Krista

 I loved the "tiger stripes" on Rocco's legs.. HA!
 Rocco didn't stop headbanging the entire time he was at the studio...
 Dance party!!!

 How gorgeous is this couple?!


Unknown said...

Great pictures of the family! Miss you guys!
Big Bro Lamont

Unknown said...

Great pictures of the family! Miss you guys!
Big Bro Lamont

Isabelle said...

AWESOME pictures! You guys all look great!

Isabelle said...

AWESOME pictures! You guys all look great!

Anonymous said...

love the pictures, what a cute family!
great job!!!!

kim said...

olympia these are some great!!! pictures, tell the boys great job (looking like pro's).

JoshT said...

I think Eli, Andrew and Rocco should form a band.

I see Eli and Andrew on guitar and Rocco playing drums(I'm thinking Animal from The Muppets).

There's Chocolate in My Shoe said...

Love these! Those boys crack me up, and little one's hair is to DIE FOR! The location, the clothes, the beautiful family...all perfection.

Xing said...

Great pictures!!! The boys were great, my boys loved the pictures.

Derise said...

Gorgeous family - unique photography. Gotta love it!

Derise said...

Gorgeous family - unique photography. Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

your family is absolutely adorable and your kids are too funny! love your pics!!

Anonymous said...

Your family is absolutely adorable and your kids are hilarious!!

Nana said...

So precious!!
These are great!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I love them all. <3 Deb

Anonymous said...

You all look great!!!

Trillia said...

Very beautiful!! I love these pictures. Magazine worthy!

Unknown said...

These pictures are great! What a good looking family.

Kristen said...

Love the pics. Great shoes Olympia! :)


Jess said...

Seriously, could y'all be a cuter family! The pictures are AMAZING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Love the pics. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

Krista is amazing. She has truly captured the personality of your family in film...the love that you and Scott share, and the spunkiness of your boys. These are great.

Sel said...

Wow! Loved looking at all the pics of my fav Lamuno's!!! Can't wait to get my Christmas card!
