Monday, February 28, 2011

This weekend's shoots, my wedding, yada yada... :Nashville Photographer

Hey all!  Well, I have to admit... That between trying to keep up with the studio and trying to plan my wedding (4.5 weeks away!) the crunch is on and I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.  UGH.  As much as I love to believe I am superwoman, I just have a gigantic to-do list right now that is seeming a bit daunting.  Rachel and Marci here at the studio have been doing an amazing job keeping my head above water and they rock!  I don't know how I would function without them! That being said, I may be a little MIA here on the blog for a while.  I am going to try to keep posting your previews, but you may find my posts a little shorter and a little more infrequent than usual... Just wanted to give you all a heads up so you knew what the scoop was.   Keep your fingers crossed for me that I am able to wrap everything up for my wedding planning in a timely manner and not get too stressed out!  I am doing my best to not turn into bride-zilla, LOL!

Aiiiiigght, well enough about that... Wanna see some previews from this weekend??  We met some of the cutest kiddos, and a bunch of great headshots and such as well!  Hope you love 'em!  ~Krista

The Lee sisters... Nejah, Aysha, and Ty... Could they possibly be ANY cuter?  They are signing with BNA agency and I am sure they are going to have fantastic careers as models  :) :)

Next, Ms. Jessi... A local actress/model who has been featured in Macy's magazines and spends her summers in NYC modeling!  How awesome is that!

 Next up ... Danita Rucker with her crew from Club Praise!  Danita started this group for young adults to promote fun Christian living!  She wanted to capture them as a group, having fun and living with God.  It is a great organization and I wish them the best of luck!  It was great meeting you all!!!  


Unknown said...

this is sooooo coool...

Charles E. Taylor Jr. said...

Thanks for making us look good!!! LOL

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

OMG!! All of the pictures look so good!!!! Krista rocks :)

Unknown said...

The pics are sooooo awesome!!! every single one of them * I am so proud if you guys!! great job!!

wilma Jackson said...

Wow Danita I am so proud of you! Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry I couldn't make it :( now I'm jelous lol

amy wyatt said...

Danita, I can't wait to see all that God have you be. I love you sister in Christ

Anonymous said...

What is clubpraise? This seems nice

Monica Nicole said...

BEEEEEAAAUUUUTIFUL PICTURES!!!! I love them! so full of energy! gives me chills lookin at them. its not only the people in the people in the picture thats great, its the person who took them! Great job!

Shirl the Pearl! said...

I love it! You guys look so good!!!!!

Kenyatta said...

This is so cool, you have my full support. Danita keep following Christ

Kenyatta said...

Absolutley beautiful! I am proud of you guys. Danita you have my full support. Keep following God!

Charity Eliese said...

awwww look at little C.J.

Delores Rucker said...

Thats my sister love you guys

Anonymous said...

Cj looks cute idk about the rest of you lol... j/k congrats

Frank said...

You look just like me. Thats where you get your good looks from Danita. (even though we're not related).

Anonymous said...

I get happy when I look at this. Beautiful picture.

Avery said...

I saw your post on facebook about another photo shoot coming soon. I want to be in the next photo shoot!

Erica said...

These are really nice. How much does this photographer charge?

Team Jesus said...

Team Jesus stopping through to say congrats. Rep hard for the kingdom of God

Ebonie Gillespie said...

Why didn't anyone tell me about this. I want to do the next one. This is a good photographer

sara said...

I am very proud of you all. I love your love of Christ.

Anonymous said...

cool pictures

Aliyah said...

I told you that you should wear those shoes. They are super cute hunny bunny!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures

sister Trish Thompson said...

Danita, you are and asolutley lovely young woman. I pray that God covers you from every trick of the enemy. You are pushing towards the kingdom so expect trials to come. Just know that with God all things are possible.

Deanne rogers said...

Cute pictues homie. I saw them on facebook. I love what you're doing keep it up.

Caela Rogers said...

Love you guys all especially my bestie Danita Nicole

Ava said...

This was so hard for me to find Danita. You know I'm computer illiterate lol. The pictures are really nice.

Benita Moore said...


Anonymous said...

Haaaa yeah your arms do look fat on that one picture but your still a total babe lol.

Candice Mopkins said...

Ok so your facebook status is very demanding today hahah. Love the pics Nita

April said...

How the heck did Dalaina jump that high? Wow that's funny

Anonymous said...

club praise rocks

chase said...

I love you danita

Anonymous said...

Go nita go!

Anonymous said...

wow love the picks Nita

Anonymous said...

Danittttta I love it

Andrea said...

My nephew looks so go. Go Club Praise

Jacci said...

Awesome job Danita

Anonymous said...

Long live Club Praise

Anonymous said...

I love your Danita

Anonymous said...

Proud of you sweetheart. Danita your are God given and we appreciate your work

Anonymous said...

Club Praise is the place to be

Ashlee said...

I love Krista Lee Photography. Clubpraise in the building lol

Anonymous said...

Go Danita!

Debra said...

Danita you better work it girl lol

Jerrika said...

Love you danita nicole.

Anonymous said...

I <3 clubpraise

Anonymous said...

I just saw this on your facebook dang Danita smh

kisha said...

I can't wait to see how the praise party goes. Go Danita!

Anonymous said...

Love the new facebook Danita. The pics are gorgeous

aaron jones said...

I'm proud of you Danita

Jerry said...

Hi, Danita the picture are fabulous.

adrienne said...

Danita I lovvvvvve it babes. smooches

Anonymous said...

Hey Danita, love what you guys are doing.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all that Club Praise will be.

Aja Washington said...

You guys look great!!! I love them!

Jamie said...

awwwwww danita I love it

Ashlynn said...

ok I know I'm late but I love the pictures Danita!