
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jude's 18 month photos

I always love seeing this family on my schedule!  They have been regulars for quite a while now, and they are always so sweet.  Besides just being fun to be around, they have the cutest sense of style and I always love the outfits they bring!  Jude is getting to the age where he is FAST.  I mean, really hard to keep up with, LOL!  He gave us a bit of a run for our money today because he does not like to hold still at all anymore... haha!  But we got some really cute shots anyway :)  Jude looks like a little model in all of his action poses.. and it cracked me up how he kept stealing dad's hat!  It was great seeing you all, as always!!  See you soon!  :) :)   ~Krista

PS... Is Melanie not the cutest prego ever??

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