
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Paige's 2 year (sniff sniff!) photos! Nashville Photographer

I can't believe this little precious baby is TWO years old already!  I have been photographing her since she was just a little teeny munchkin.  She just gets cuter by the second, and I always LOVE her big blue eyes in all of her photos.  SO cute.  Amanda brought the cutest outfits, including one her mom bought at a boutique in Texas that we were all oooh'ing and aaaah'ing over!!  Paige was also cracking us up with her "Hey guys!! (insert somewhat northern nasal-y accent here.. not sure where that came from? LOL) Watch me run!!!" and she'd take off!  LOL

It was GREAT seeing you all as always, hope you love the previews!!!  :)   ~Krista

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