
Friday, July 20, 2012

Quinn's 1 year photos : Nashville Photographer

This little sweet pea is one of the cutest babies ever.  She is just so calm, so happy, and so so sweet every time I see her.  She has the most gorgeous big brown eyes and this little smile that just makes your heart melt.  I know at this age photo shoots seem like mass chaos... and I know it probably seemed like we weren't ever going to get any good shots of the kiddos, LOL!  But we did get a lot of really cute ones!  Ashly and Sam, it was great seeing you all, hope you love the previews!


This next one CRACKS me up.  We wanted Quinn to hold the #1, but I should have known this is what she'd do, LOL.  And Ms. Avril had to be in the photo (foot) LMAO