Friday, March 11, 2011

Ms. Briley's 9 month shoot : Nashville Baby Photographer

I cannot believe Briley is NINE months already!  She was all smiles this week when her folks brought her in, and we have SO many cute shots from her shoot that it was nearly impossible to narrow them down.  How cute is that bunny Easter outfit?  LOVE it.  It was great seeing you all, see you very soon for her big 1 year birthday photos!!!  :)   ~Krista

love the look on her face in this next one!  precious!!!!


Mary H said...

Love that face!! Krista you did a great job, but you did have a great subject!

Anonymous said...

What a doll good looking parents too!

Amanda Lopp said...

Krista, these pictures are amazing. You truly do have a very special gift.
I love this little girl so much! She helps with that beautiful smile and amazing blue eyes.

Anonymous said...

Bug gets cuter each time.Great expressions.Nice photo work.

ssw4799 said...

Great pics!!! She is Adorable

ssw4799 said...

Great pics!! Briley is ssooo adorable!!

ssw4799 said...

Great pics! Briley is adorable!!

Diane {Hershey, PA Photography} said...

HAHA, what a cutie! Great images!