Friday, July 30, 2010

Previews from the last week!

Hey guys!  A few previews from the last week of photos.. OMG we had SO many awesome shoots.

First up, Ms. Beth Sachan, the woman with the best job in the entire world.  Not only is Beth a gorgeous gal, she also is the owner/blogger for Eat. Drink. Smile, a blog all about eating and drinking here in Nashville. (Why didn't I think of that job?!)  Check out her blog HERE for all of the latest on dining around Nashville and be sure to subscribe to keep up with weekly promotions! 

Next, Ms. Lily and her mom... Lily came in a little unsure of how this whole photo shoot thing was going to go down... But by the end was workin' it like a true pro!  She even did poses like "the hiding kitten" for me... and proceeded to meow and jump out from behind the couch... LOL! 

Jenny and Will's engagement session at Centennial Park!  These two are SO cute together, and I can't wait for their wedding in September :) :)

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